Class:- 7th English (Honeycomb) Chapter - 2 A Gift of Chappals Summary, Word Meanings, NCERT Solutions & Frequently Asked Questions

Class:- 7th English 

( Honeycomb )

Chapter - 2

A Gift of Chappals

Summary, Word Meanings, NCERT Solutions & Frequently Asked Questions  

-- Summary --

⭐ Summary in English:- 

In this chapter, there was a girl named Mridu who went to her aunt Rukku Manni’s home with her grandmother Tapi to visit her relatives Paati, her grandmother and Lalli, Ravi and Meena. As Rukku Manni opened the doors, Ravi and Meena rushed out to bring Mridu and Tapi inside. Mridu took off her chappals and placed them neatly beside a black pair of slippers which was grey with dust and had scrawny footprints on it. Before she could ask or even wonder whom the chappals belonged to, Ravi dragged her to the backyard. There, Ravi showed her a kitten which was saved by him and Meena. They brought the kitten inside and decided to give it a glass of milk. Then, they explained how difficult it was to bring milk to the cat without letting Paati know about it. Paati didn’t like keeping animals at her home and described the ones which the children bring as dirty little creatures. 

Ravi narrates how he was almost caught by Paati. Then, he explained the importance of this cat and how great the cat’s ancestors were. Suddenly, they were interrupted by a strange noise. Both the kitten, Mahendran and Mridu were alarmed by this strange kreeching noise. Ravi informed Mridu that this kreeching noise was actually being made by Lalli, who was trying to play the violin. The three kids looked through the window and saw Lalli playing the violin. In front of her sat the music master, the person who was teaching her how to play the violin. The master was playing melodiously and the notes issuing from his violin were completely on track. However, Lalli’s situation was the complete opposite. She was stumbling behind the music master and could not play the notes the same way as the music master was playing. The notes issuing from her instrument were totally off-track. Then, there came a wail from the gate, asking for Rukku Manni. However, she ordered Ravi to send the beggar away. Mridu, Meena and Ravi went outside and saw that the beggar was leaning against a neem tree and was already becoming comfortable. When Ravi told him to go away, he started explaining his situation. 

He said that the women of that house were generous and kind and they were the reason he was able to survive. However, these words had no effect on Rukku Manni and Paati. The beggar then began to show his large feet on which there were large, pink blisters and explained that the sun was so hot that the tar of road had melted away. With sorrow, he expressed that he didn’t have any chappals and couldn’t bear the pain anymore. The children then decided to give the beggar a gift of chappals. The three kids began searching for a suitable pair. Mridu found one – it was the same one she saw when she entered the house. It fitted the beggar’s feet perfectly, so they gave the beggar the chappals. The beggar then went away, feeling grateful for the gift. After a while, Lalli’s music class got over and it was time for the music master to leave. However, he could not find his chappal. The kids then realized that the pair of chappals they had given to the beggar actually belonged to the music master. They tried to hide this from their elders, but eventually, Rukku Manni caught them. She had to give away her husband’s pair of chappals. However, a new situation had arisen, what was she going to give her husband when he would return home and ask for his chappal?

⭐ Summary in Hindi:- 

इस अध्याय में, मृदु नाम की एक लड़की थी जो अपनी चाची रुक्कू मन्नी के घर अपनी दादी तापी के साथ गई थी अपने रिश्तेदारों पाटी, उसकी दादी और लल्ली, रवि और मीना से मिलने गई थी।

रूक्कू मन्नी ने जैसे ही दरवाजे खोले, रवि और मीना मृदु और तापी को अंदर लाने के लिए दौड़ पड़े। मृदु ने अपनी चप्पलें उतार दीं और उन्हें बड़े करीने से एक काली चप्पल के पास रख दिया जो धूल से धूसर थी और उस पर खुरदुरे पैरों के निशान थे। इससे पहले कि वह पूछ पाती या यह भी सोच पाती कि चप्पल किसकी है, रवि उसे खींचकर पिछवाड़े में ले गया।

वहां रवि ने उसे एक बिल्ली का बच्चा दिखाया जिसे उस ने और मीना ने बचा लिया था। वे बिल्ली के बच्चे को अंदर ले आए और उसे एक गिलास दूध देने का फैसला किया। फिर, उन्होंने समझाया कि पाटी को बताए बिना बिल्ली के लिये दूध लाना कितना मुश्किल था। पाटी को अपने घर में जानवरों को रखना पसंद नहीं था और बच्चों द्वारा लाए जानवरों को उन्होंने डर्टी लिटिल क्रीचर्स कहकर सम्बोधित किया ।

रवि बताता है कि कैसे उसे पाटी ने लगभग पकड़ लिया था। फिर, उन्होंने इस बिल्ली के महत्व को समझाया और बिल्ली के पूर्वज कितने महान थे। अचानक, वे एक अजीब शोर से बाधित हुए। बिल्ली का बच्चा, महेंद्रन और मृदु दोनों इस अजीब कर्कश शोर से चिंतित थे।

रवि ने मृदु को बताया कि यह कर्कश शोर वास्तव में लल्ली द्वारा किया जा रहा था, जो वायलिन बजाने की कोशिश कर रहा था। तीनों बच्चों ने खिड़की से देखा और लल्ली को वायलिन बजाते हुए देखा। उसके सामने संगीत गुरु बैठा था, वह व्यक्ति जो उसे वायलिन बजाना सिखा रहा था।

गुरु मधुर स्वर में खेल रहा था और उसके वायलिन से निकलने वाले स्वर पूरी तरह से पटरी पर थे। हालांकि, लल्ली की स्थिति इसके बिल्कुल विपरीत थी। वह संगीत मास्टर के पीछे ठोकर खा रही थी और उस तरह से नोट्स नहीं चला सकती थी जैसे संगीत मास्टर बजा रहा था।

उसके उपकरण से निकलने वाले नोट पूरी तरह से बंद थे। तभी गेट से रुक्कू मन्नी को मांगते हुए चीख पुकार मच गई। हालाँकि, उसने रवि को भिखारी को विदा करने का आदेश दिया। मृदु, मीना और रवि बाहर गए और देखा कि भिखारी एक नीम के पेड़ पर झुक रहा है और पहले से ही सहज हो रहा है।

रवि ने उसे जाने के लिए कहा तो वह अपना हाल बताने लगा। उन्होंने कहा कि उस घर की महिलाएं उदार और दयालु थीं और यही कारण था कि वह जीवित रहने में सक्षम थे। हालांकि, रूक्कू मन्नी और पाटी पर इन शब्दों का कोई असर नहीं हुआ। भिखारी ने फिर अपने बड़े पैर दिखाना शुरू किया, जिस पर बड़े, गुलाबी छाले थे और समझाया कि सूरज इतना गर्म था कि सड़क का तारकोल पिघल गया था।

दुख के साथ, उन्होंने व्यक्त किया कि उनके पास कोई चप्पल नहीं है और अब वह दर्द सहन नहीं कर सकते। तब बच्चों ने भिखारी को चप्पल का उपहार देने का फैसला किया। तीनों बच्चे एक योग्य जोड़ी की तलाश करने लगे। मृदु ने एक पाया – यह वही था जिसे उसने घर में प्रवेश करते समय देखा था।

इसने भिखारी के पैरों को पूरी तरह से फिट कर दिया, इसलिए उन्होंने भिखारी को चप्पलें दे दीं। फिर भिखारी उपहार के लिए कृतज्ञता महसूस करते हुए चला गया। थोड़ी देर बाद, लल्ली की संगीत की कक्षा समाप्त हो गई और संगीत गुरु के जाने का समय हो गया। हालांकि, उसे अपनी चप्पल नहीं मिली।

तब बच्चों ने महसूस किया कि उन्होंने भिखारी को जो चप्पलें दी थीं, वे वास्तव में संगीत गुरु की थीं। उन्होंने इसे अपने बड़ों से छिपाने की कोशिश की, लेकिन आखिरकार रूक्कू मन्नी ने उन्हें पकड़ लिया। उसे अपने पति की चप्पलें देनी पड़ीं। हालाँकि, एक नई स्थिति पैदा हो गई थी, वह अपने पति को क्या देगी जब वह घर लौटकर अपनी चप्पल माँगेगा?

--- Moral ---

We should always help the people in need.

--- Word Meanings ---

1. Scrawny – मरियल, खुरदरा

2. Drag - घसीटना

3. Thick - घना

4. Suspicious - संदिग्ध, संशयास्पद 

5. Expectantly - उम्मीदसे, आशापूर्नक

6. Descend - उतरन

7. Emblem - प्रतीक चिन्ह 

8. flourish - फलना - फुलना 

9. Shriek - चिखना, चिल्लाना 

10. Startle - चौकना

11. frighten - डराना या डरना 

12. Wits - दिमाग, बुद्धि

13. Bounce - उछलना

14. Scurry - भागना, भाग जाना

15. Howl - चिखना, रोना

16. Miserably - बुरी तरह से 

17. Glaze - चमकाना, चमकना

18. Stumble - ठुकराना 

19. Float up - तैरना 

20. Generosity - उदारता 

21. Feeble - कमजोर 

22. Rumble - गड़गड़ाहट

23. Wither - मुरझाने

24. Blister - छालापड़ना

25.Shake - हिलाना, हिलना

26.Tighten - कसना 

27. Vanish - गायब होना

28. Unappreciative look - अनुचित रूप 

--- NCERT Solution ---

Comprehension Check -1 

Question 1:- What is the secret that Meena shares with Mridu in the backyard?
Solution:- Meena shares the secret of the kitten that they have found in front of their house and have kept in their backyard.

Question 2:- How does Ravi get milk for the kitten?
Solution:- Ravi brings milk from the kitchen saying that he was feeling hungry. He even drinks most of it to prove Paati that he was indeed hungry.
He then brings the tumbler in the backyard and empties it in the coconut shell.

Question 3:- Who does he say the kitten’s ancestors are? Do you believe him?
Solution:- Ravi said that the kitten’s ancestors were the lion of the Pallava kings, the Mahabalipuram Rishi-Cat which has the emblem of the Pallava dynasty. No I don’t believe his story.

Question 4:- Ravi has a lot to say about MP Poonai. This shows that

  1. he is merely trying to impress Mridu.
  2. his knowledge of history is sound.
  3. he has a rich imagination.
  4. he is an intelligent child.

Which of these statements do you agree/ disagree to?
Solution:- Ravi has a lot to say about MP Poonai.
This shows that his knowledge of history is sound, he has a rich imagination and he is an intelligent child.

Question 5:- What was the noise that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran?
Solution:- It was the sound coming out of Lalli’s violin that startled Mridu and frightened Mahendran.

Comprehension Check - 2

Question 1:- The music master is making lovely music.
Read aloud the sentence in the text that expresses the idea.
Solution:- The music-master’s notes seemed to float up and settle perfectly into the visible tracks of the melody.

Question 2:- Had the beggar come to Rukku Manni’s house for the first time? Give reasons for your answer.
Solution:- No, the beggar has been coming to Rukku Manni’s house for last one week. The beggar himself confirms this saying that he has survived for a week because of Rukku Manni’s kindness.

Question 3:- “A sharp V-shaped line had formed between her eyebrows.” What does it suggests to you about Rukku Manni’s mood?
Solution:- The V-shaped line suggests that Rukku Manni was very angry and was about to lose her temper on the children.

Working with the Text

Question 1:- Complete the following sentences.

  1. Ravi compares Lalli’s playing the violin to …………….
  2. Trying to hide beneath the tray of chillies, Mahendran ………………..
  3. The teacher played a few notes on his violin and Lalli ………………
  4. The beggar said that the kind ladies of the household ………………
  5. After the lesson was over, the music teacher asked Lalli if ………………….


  1. derailing of a train going off track
  2. tipped a few chillies over himself
  3. stumbled behind him on her violin
  4. have been very generous and helped him survive for a week
  5. she had seen his chappals

Question 2:- Describe the music teacher, as seen from the window.
Solution:- The music teacher was a bony figure. He was sitting in front of Lalli with his back towards the window. He was a bald headed man with fringe of oiled hair falling around his ears. He had an old fashioned tuft.
He had a shinning gold chain in his neck and a diamond ring in his hand. He was wearing a golden-bordered dhoti. His large foot was stuck on the floor and he was beating the floor with his scrawny toe.

Question 3:-

  1. What makes Mridu conclude that the beggar has no money to buy chappals?
  2. What does she suggest to show her concern?


  1. The beggar showed his feet to the children. There were pink blisters on his bare feet which made Mridu conclude that he didn’t have the money to buy chappals.
  2. Mridu was concerned about the beggar. She suggested giving an old pair of chappals to the beggar.

Question 4:- “Have you children….” She began and then, seeing they were curiously quiet, went on more slowly, “seen anyone lurking around the verandah?”

  1. What do you think Rukku Manni really wanted to ask?
  2. Why did she change her question?
  3. What did she think had happened?


  1. Rukku Manni wanted to ask the children what they have done with the chappals.
  2. She changed the question finding the children serious and quiet. She became sure that the children had something to do with the chappals.
  3. She thought that the children would have hidden the chappals somewhere.

Question 5:- On getting Gopu Mama’s chappals, the music teacher tried not to look too happy. Why?
Solution:- Music teacher’s chappals were old, but he lied to Lalli saying that they were brand new. Gopu Mama had hardly used his new chappals.
The music teacher was happy getting them, but was trying to hide those feelings. He tried to show that he was upset with the children and with his loss.

Question 6:- On getting a gift of chappals, the beggar vanished in a minute. Why was he in such a hurry to leave?
Solution:- The beggar was in a hurry to leave after getting the chappals because he knew that the children have got them for him without seeking the permission of the elders. He feared they might be taken back from him, so he left in a hurry.

Question 7:- Walking towards the kitchen with Mridu and Meena, Rukku Manni began to laugh. What made her laugh?
Solution:- Rukku Manni was laughing imagining Gopu Mama without his chappals. He had the habit of taking out his shoes immediately after coming home and putting on those chappals.
She laughed wondering what excuse would she give to him and what would be his reaction.

 --- Previous Year Questions ---

Question 1:- Who is Mridu and with whom Mridu went to Rukku Manni’s place?
Solution:- Mridu is a young girl Mridu went to Rukku Manni’s place alongwith her Tapi.

Question 2:- Why was Ravi dragging Mridu towards the backyard?
Solution:- Ravi was dragging Mridu to the backyard to show her the newly found cat.

Question 3:- Why were the red chilli kept in the backyard?
Solution:- Kama from Mahabharata used to give away everything he had which even included his gold earnings.

Question 4:- The beggar was leaning against what in Ravi’s garden?
Solution:- The beggar was leaning against the trunk of the neem tree in Ravi’s garden.

Question 5:- Mridu had noticed in front of Meena’s house a pair of chappals. Whom did they belong to?
Solution:- The pair of chappals that Mridu had seen in front of Ravi’s house belonged to the music teacher.

Question 6:- Who used to give away everything he had, which even included his gold earrings?
Solution:- Red chillies were kept in the backyard for drying.

Question 7:- With whom did the music teacher compared Ravi with?
Solution:- The music teacher compared Ravi with the lord Hanuman and called him a Hanuman incarnate.

Question 8:- What was in the cat’s name that pleased Mridu?
Solution:- Ravi had named the kitten Mahendravarma Pallava Poonai, MP Poonai in short. They were calling him Mahendran. Mridu liked the name because it sounded real to her and was different from the usual cute names kept for cats in general.

Question 9:- How did Ravi link his cat with the Pallava kings?
Solution:- Ravi felt that his cat was a descendant of the Rishi Cat of Mahabalipuram. He claimed that during his class trip to Mahabalipuram, he had seen statue of a cat there which he believed was an ancestor of this cat. He felt that the lion in the emblem of the Pallava king was a close relative of his cat.

Question 10:- What made Ravi feel that Lalli will never learn to play the violin?
Solution:- Ravi felt that Lalli will never learn to play violin. The music teacher used to play the perfect notes, but she kept on going off tracks.
It was like her train getting derailed again and again while the teacher’s was running smoothly on the track.

Question 11:- Why Rukku Manni asked Ravi to send away the-beggar?
Solution:- Rukku Manni was fed up with the beggar coming to her place daily for over a week now. She was tired giving him food and other items. She wanted him to find another house and stop coming to their place. So she asked Ravi to send him away.

Question 11:- What did the beggar feel about the ladies of the household?
Solution:- The beggar felt that the ladies of the household were very kind. They have enabled him survive for a week by giving him food to eat. He called them generous and found it hard to believe that they wanted to send him away.

Question 12:- Describe Ravi’s character in the story.
Solution:- Ravi was an intelligent child. He had good observation skills and possessed sound knowledge of history. He was playful, but had a good sense of humour. He managed to get milk for the kitten in front of Paati’s eyes. He also applied his intelligence and gave music teacher’s chappals to the beggar. He was kind and generous and remembered the story of Kama which Rukku Manni had told him.

Question 13:- Compare how the music teacher played the violin with that of Lalli’s.
Solution:- The music teacher played the violin smoothly. His notes seemed to float up and then settled down perfectly into the invisible tracks of the melody. His hand moved the violin’s stem effortlessly and produced a melodious music. Lalli on the other hand seemed to struggle with the violin. The instrument appeared unhappy and helpless in her hands. She kept on missing the tracks and produced a kind of noise which even scared Mahendran.

Question 14:- Why was Ravi upset with the elders?
Solution:- Ravi was upset with the elders because he had always been told by them to be kind towards animals, but whenever he had tried to do so he had received screaming in return.
He had found the same elders calling these animals’ dirty creatures. Rukku Manni had told her about Kama who would give away everything he had to help others. Ravi had tried to help the beggar by giving away the music teacher’s chappals to him, but still Rukku Manni was angry with him.

Give Us Your Feedback/Suggestions

- By Durgesh Pandey

(Eklavya Coaching Institute)

📞 8376976688, 9310533915

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